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Multi-Hazards Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Studies

We provide technical services to carry out Hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA) and risk assessment systematic approaches to evaluate the damage that could be caused by a potential disaster, the severity of the impact, and the available medical resources during a disaster to reduce population vulnerability and increase the capacity to cope with disasters.

Community Based Disaster Risk Management

We design and provide action-oriented Community-based disaster management (CBDM) approaches to building the capacity of communities to assess their vulnerability to both human induced and natural hazards and develop strategies and resources necessary to prevent and/or mitigate the impact of identified hazards as well as respond, rehabilitate, and reconstruct following its onset.

Carbon Reduction

We provide planning for a comprehensive project that aims to help reduce or mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions and decrease a country or economy’s carbon footprint. Preparation and designing involves focusing on factors such as initial cost, return on investment (ROI), actual reduction and emissions reduction efficiency.

Spatiotemporal Data Modelling for Disaster Management

ERS specialized in modelling the data collected during emergency response starting from a conceptual level until the implementation in a Database Management System (DBMS). Our approach contains a well-defined objective, which realization requires certain information and often produces information. The information is mostly spatial information, and in a large part of a temporal nature. We provide support in creating new data types for the temporal and spatiotemporal data: dynamic counts, moving point, and moving region.

Building Safety Assessment and Programs

We deliver architects, engineers, building officials, and inspectors with the knowledge and protocol to evaluate homes, buildings, and infrastructure in the aftermath of a disaster. This professional expertise is provided as a premium service. It helps in benefiting numerous communities, resulting in thousands of safety evaluations and saving municipalities a lot of money.

Recovery and Rehabilitation Assessment of Projects

The purpose of recovery and rehabilitation assessment is to determine which project controls are in place and to develop an understanding of the causes for poor project performance. When key stakeholders perceive that a project isn't under control, or isn't producing expected results, an assessment of the project's health is conducted which is a critical area of services which ERS specializes.

Post and Pre-disaster Studies

We have potential to conduct Post-disaster studies that are aimed at capturing local experiences and informing emergency managers of shortcomings, successes and improvements that might be made to education, awareness campaigns, preparation and protection, warnings, uptake of messages, evacuation, shelter and management policy. Whereas Pre-disaster studies is an opportunity for communities to consider how they will manage important recovery issues, like how to keep the government and essential services up and running, where to locate temporary housing, how and where they will rebuild, and how to re-establish essential economic activity.